GLOBAL VR THE SWARM 2D Arcade Game CONVERSION Kit for 32 in & 42 in Cabinets #9449

GLOBAL VR THE SWARM 2D Arcade Game CONVERSION Kit for 32 in & 42 in Cabinets #9449 - NOS - FREE SHIPPING


  • Games PartsVideo Arcade Parts



GLOBAL VR THE SWARM 2D Arcade Game CONVERSION Kit for 32 inch & 42 inch Cabinets #9449 - New/Old Stock.


This kit contains everything you need to convert Aliens™ Extermination, Frightfearland™, or Paradise Lost™ upright cabinets with 32", 42", or 50" HD Flat Panel Monitors to The Swarm.  Simply install the software and cabinet graphics to turn your cabinet into a high earning The Swarm game.
