Wurlitzer – US original first day of issue – Wurlitzer 1015

Wurlitzer – US original first day of issue – Wurlitzer 1015 – issued 1995 - NEW/OLD STOCK - COLLECTIBLE - FREE SHIPPING


  • Everything ElseArcade and Pinball Collectibles



This is a Wurlitzer – US original first day of issue – Wurlitzer 1015 – issued 1995 - NEW/OLD STOCK - COLLECTIBLE!



On the left side of this cover is beautiful artwork of the Wurlitzer Model 1015, the most famous jukebox ever made. There are two identical First Day of Issue stamps affixed to this very rare cover...the USA 1995 'Presorted First-Class', and the postmark is New York, NY 10139 MAR 17 1995.



Dimensions of the cover are 3 1/2" x 6 1/2